[NEWS] Informations about the On The Road Trailer & more!

Chez Kristen Stewart France, on en veut! Passant au peigne fin Twitter, les recherches portent leur fruits, et pour notre plus grand bonheur, leur dernière trouvaille concerne l'un des tous derniers projets de Kristen Stewart, j'ai nommé le tant attendu On The RoadSans plus tarder, voilà le compte-rendu de leur partie de questions-réponses avec des programmateurs qui ont eu la chance de pouvoir visionner le trailer en avant-première...

 Summary :

- Concerning the lenght of the trailer, it will be about 2'30 long... and get an eyeful of that, they are going to be many spoilers! 

- The trailer looks like a ''very well-done adaptation of a classic book. We can feel a real energy in it.'' (@PanicCinema). That's confirmed later by @erictherock, who says : ''I promise you a beautiful recontruction, beautiful pictures and for what you are interested about : beautiful dance scene with Kristen Stewart. See you at Cannes.''

- Voice overs of Sal Paradise giving us his personal vision of the world.

- And if we trust @Erictherock, we would have great chances to see On The Road at the Cannes Festival this year! ( we keep our fingers cross!)

Résumé :

- Concernant la durée, elle devrait être d'environ 2 min 30... et attention les yeux, il y aura beaucoup de spoilers!

- Le trailer donne l'impression d'une ''adaptation très propre d'un grand classique. On sent une certaine énergie dans tout cela.'' (@Panic Cinema) Tout ceci est confirmé plus tard par @erictherock, qui déclare : ''promesse belle reconstitution, belles images et pour ce qui vous intéresse belle scène de danse avec KS (NDLR: Kristen Stewart)''

- En voix-off, Sal Paradise qui nous livre sa vision du monde.

- Et à en croire @Erictherock, nous aurions de grandes chances de retrouver le film à Cannes! (on croise les doigts! :) )

Les Tweets originaux :

De Eric Laroche (@erictherock) : 

Translation :

1- On The Road (by Kerouac) trailer by Walter Salles #Mk2.

2- I promise you a beautiful recontruction, beautiful pictures and for what you are interested about : beautiful dance scene with Kristen Stewart. See you at Cannes.

De Panic! Cinéma (@PanicCinema) : 

Translation :

1- Is that the adaptation of Kerouac's book ? I don't really know what to think about it, but it made me eager to finally read the book!

2- But it looks like a very well-done classic's adadptation. You can feel a real energy in it.

3- I don't have a very precise idea about the lenght of the trailer, but I would say 2'30. The editing has a very good rhythm which shows us many spoilers.

4- There was a voice overs, probalbly the main character, which gives us its personal vision of the world.

5- I have the impression that I saw a lot of actors, but not many girls, so not many Kristen Stewart.

6- But maybe I'm wrong. You know, after having spending 8 hours of watching trailers, you can't think anymore... 

Source. - Merci de nous créditer pour toute utilisation. 
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